Women's Health Massage Therapist

Holistic Massage Therapy for women in Reading

Holistic massage is a bespoke treatment that is specifically tailored to each client and as a holistic practitioner understand each client as a whole (holistic) taking into account their emotional and spiritual wellbeing, as well as their physical body. Fiona has complete knowledge of the physical structure and functions of each area of the body and incorporate her fusion of tecniques & energetic healing treating the whole body. However in my personal and clinical experience, a holistic approach promises much deeper and more consistent results. In contrast to traditional forms of bodywork, a holistic approach allows the client to develop a relationship with one's body and a sense of empowerment with its processes. The end result is that there is less dependency on outside help that often serves to provide only temporary relief.

Empathy from Greek empatheia (from em- 'in' + pathos 'feeling')
“The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.”
An empath can sense the truth behind each person with a deep sense of knowing and intuition which enables them to see problems that exist on all levels physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Empaths operate on a energetic vibration and are able to read others vibrations and know how to attempt to heal or restore the person back to health.

Empaths experience empathy towards family, children, friends, close associates, complete strangers, pets, plants and inanimate objects. Empathy is not held by time or space. Empaths are highly sensitive thus, an empath can feel the emotions of people and things at a distance. Some are especially empathic towards people and nature and usually chose a life of service to them. Empaths have immaculate perception and intuition of knowing that accompanies empathy and are often compassionate, considerate, understanding of others emotions and feelings.
Therefore “Holistic empathic bodywork” is literally what it defines itself as and I have been giving treatments in this style since 1992, over 33 years of experience has definitely taught me about life, people and how to best respond to them. 

I observed that combining these two aspects of my massage and healing ability making them an integral therapy is a very effective way of treating the mind, body and spirit and has proven to have had very positive results.

FULL BODY MASSAGE – Incorporating my individual empathic style of massage I offer 60 mins and 90 mins full body/back treatments using coconut oil or bespoke herbal body balms handcrafted by myself. I begin the full body treatment on the posterior of the body then turn over to the anterior of the body completing with the neck, head and face. I focus my attention on areas that need resolving and if necessary will concentrate on specific systems of the body during the treatment eg. endocrine, lymphatic or muscular. 

Full Body Massage - 90 mins - £75.00
Back Massage - 60 mins - £60.00
Holistic Massages & Bodywork: Advice & Consultations
I am available for advice & consultation on an hourly basis for more long-term health packages or ailment addressing. I procure certain individual tailored packages for clients that want to improve wellbeing, achieve weight loss goals, convalescing & addressing disease/ailments. During the confidential private one-to-one session I take into consideration lifestyle, diet/nutrition, exercise, relaxation & relationships. I use my wide variety of holistic naturopathic skills to assess each client based on their background and present life circumstances in all the above factors to see what treatments & practices are the most beneficial. Once this has been ascertained and decided then a foundation for health program can begin. Usually a structure is devised- diet plan is scripted out with meal plan suggestions, weekly one to one yoga sessions, yogic self-practice plan and/or body cleansing programs, astrological data (birth time, date & place must be known), schedule of bodywork treatments using specific herbal balms or not depending on the case. Also prescribing herbal remedies/infusions, self-care treatments and relaxation meditations. In fact there are numerous methods and packages that I use to aid clients with their health desires, each individual client are all uniquely bespoke from each other.

60 mins - £60 
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